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A seminar aimed at security managers, IT managers, network administrators, data centre managers and IT technicians, but also of interest to those involved in network design, systems integrators and anyone else who requires expertise in the security field.

Difesa delle Infrastrutture Critiche: hacking e contromisure” (defending critical infrastructure: hacking and countermeasures) is an event which will be held on 22 November 2018 at the Centro Congressi di Assolombarda di Monza (Via Petrarca 10, Villa Reale area) organised by Spark, CIAS Elettronica and Betafence Italia in partnership with NCP Italy Srl with the patronage of AIIC, AIPROS, AIPS, AIPSA, ASSISTAL, ASSOSICUREZZA and RIFS.

The day, divided into two sessions – from 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. and then 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. – will cover the topics of security for LAN and WiFi networks and Internet access, supplementing the theoretical sections with a live demonstration of a real attack on an IP video surveillance system. The specific IP solutions for critical infrastructure in accordance with Directive 2008/114/EC and standards EN50151 and CEI 73-3 will also be illustrated.

Participation is free, and all attendees will receive an attendance certificate which can be used to request educational credits.

More info on CIAS website